Application Programming Interface

An Application Programming Interface (API) is provided to facilitate access to the EPD data archive by an application. The API routines are located at the base URL

Some routines accept parameters, that should be provided in a query string, for example to search level 2 files for the ept-rates product from 20th to 25th June 2020, the request will take the form

API routines


Search for files that fulfil the provided criteria.

  • level=valueMandatory. Processing level required. Value can be l1, l2, l3 or cal.
  • product=valueOptional. Name of the required product. See /api/get_products to get a list of available products for a given level.
  • descriptor=valueOptional. A given product may contain files with different descriptors. This is the case, for example, of the ept-rates product that groups the file descriptors ept-sun-rates, ept-asun-rates, ept-north-rates and ept-south-rates. This parameter can be used to select only the files that correpond to a particular descriptor. See /api/get_descriptors to get a list of available descriptors for a given product.
  • from=yyyy-mm-ddOptional. First day to be retrieved.
  • to=yyyy-mm-ddOptional. Last day to be retrieved. If not specified, it will take the same value than from (if available), retrieving only 1 day.
  • version=VnnOptional If version is not specified, the API always returns the last version of the file. Include it only when a specific version is needed.

A list of file names matching the given criteria in plain text separated by newline characters.


Get the list of products for a given processing level.

  • level=valueMandatory. Processing level. Value can be l1, l2, l3 or cal.

A list of products for the processing level requested.


Get the list of descriptors for the selected product and level.

  • level=valueMandatory. Processing level required. Value can be l1, l2, l3 or cal.
  • product=valueMandatory. Name of the required product. See /api/get_products to get a list of available products for a given level.

A list of descriptors corresponding to the processing level and product requested.


Downloads a file.


No parameters.


The requested file.